
Sunday, April 29, 2012

{Party Bee} Sneak Preview: Jake's 2nd Birthday

Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street? Well...actually Jake Street! If you haven't guessed, my son is having a Sesame Street themed birthday party for his 2nd birthday. I can't believe he is already going to be TWO! He of course is learning so many things and is developing such a fun and energetic personality and this year he has become infatuated with Sesame Street. Therefore, it only seemed appropriate to celebrate with a Jake Street birthday party!

A little while back, my husband came up with a great idea to create life size (well... life size for toddlers anyway) characters for the yard for decoration and for photos with the kids. What a fantastic idea! Well he worked hard and they came out so cute! He is pretty crafty I must say, but he didn't do this freehand, he had some help from a fabulous tool called the Tracer Projector.
This is a fantastic tool to use when you don't have the time to draw something freehand (and with 2 kids who does). He just set up a smooth cut of quality plywood in the garage where he could get it pretty dark and traced the image with a black Sharpie marker. After he finished tracing the illustration, he used Behr paint color samples that he purchased from Home Depot in the colors that he needed and painted the characters. Look at the simple transformation of Elmo...outlined with Sharpie and then painted! So easy and looks great!
In some of them, he used a combination of both paint and Sharpie.
As you can see, Cookie Monster's present is colored using Sharpie. Same goes with Big Bird's legs, tongue, and eyelids.
And if you don't feel like using paint at all, you can color in the entire illustration using Sharpies like our Oscar the Grouch here!

Such a simple project that makes a BIG impact! The kids are going to love them...especially Jake!

Stay tuned for photos from Jake's 2nd Birthday Party!

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