Monday, September 10, 2018

{Sugar Bee} Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Grandparents Day was yesterday and though I had already made cookies for my kids to gift to their grandparents, my daughter wanted to do something a little extra! So with help from mom, she created cupcakes! Snickerdoodle cupcakes to be exact! She was so excited to bake (it is her favorite thing to do with me) and this time she got to do most of it herself, even down to the sprinkling of the cinnamon sugar mixture (which you can see from the photos, she she got a little heavy handed at times...but more cinnamon sugar for one lucky person!).
She was so proud of herself and her cupcakes and they made such a special addition to grandparents day dinner. They were indeed quite delicious!

Happy grandparents day to all the wonderful grandmas and grandpas, but especially to my kids' grandparents who give so much love and do so much for them!

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